I stand with Akron City School Board, The Akron Education Association, the Akron Education Association, OAPSE Local 689 and SEIU Local 1.
Are you following the war going on right now between the Chamber of Commerce teamed up with the mayor against the Akron School Board? I truly hope you are because it DEEPLY matters to the foundations of our schools in Akron.
If you want safer schools and better education for our kids you need to understand what is going on.
On September 12, 2022 this article was written:
Akron City Council OKs resolution to back superintendent after review (So City Council publicly comes out against the school board, a democratically elected body, just like them.)
On February 16, 2023 this article was written:
Akron leaders critical of school board over superintendent resignation (Then a bunch of powerful white men come out against the school board, because powerful white men can do whatever the hell they want.)
On February 19, 2023 my opponent for Ward 8 City Council wrote this piece:
James Hardy: Hall, Akbar should resign from Akron school board (This guy is sucking up to the powerful white men so he can hopefully, someday be allowed in their club. Just because you are white doesn’t automatically get you in the club. You have to publicly bend the knee.)
On February 26, 2023 this article was written:
Akron Public Schools’ unions defend school board’s leadership (Akron City School Board, The Akron Education Association, the Akron Education Association, OAPSE Local 689 and SEIU Local 1 ALL emphatically stand against this powerful white men club that is coming out against them.)
Why does this matter, Sage?
Thank you for asking!
It matters because all these people are sending smoke signals to each other.
The power players in Akron are the Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor. They hold all the money and all the power. If you go against them they will write it down in their little book and never forget it.
Remember that time I dared to fight using my American rights to go to the courts asking to be able to shelter the most extremely desperately homeless people and the Mayor of Akron wrote his third op-ed ever to slam me for it: “While Sage Lewis postures”
They never forget.
They are fragile and hurt little boys. I’m sure their mommies never told them no.
But boys and their toys, Sage. Who cares?
These are life and death decisions.
All of this petty bickering over money and power is going on while the very lives of our children are hanging in the balance.
I LOVE THE EDUCATION MY SON HAS GOTTEN AT FIRESTONE HIGH SCHOOL. But, honest to God, we are so thankful we’re getting out at the end of this year before he gets shot or treated more like an inmate at a prison.
It’s not the school board creating this mess. It’s the sticky, greedy fingers of Akron power-players that are creating this mess.
This quote from APS Unions says it all:
“While reading the recent ABJ article, “Leaders criticize school board,” our feelings of frustration and extreme disappointment in those who profess to be looking out for the best interest of Akron Public Schools and its students certainly highlights for us the hypocrisy and self-serving political agendas which we believe motivates their unwarranted and ill-informed attacks.”
I deeply and sincerely hope you let that statement sink in.
“hypocrisy and self-serving political agendas”
If you spend any time at all looking at Akron politics this fact becomes blatantly clear. These people are all just out for themselves. Making them and their friends more wealthy and more powerful. It’s sick and disgusting.
We Must End This Stranglehold Powerful Men Have On Our City.
OK. How can we help Sage?
There is only one thing I want you to do right now. I want you to help me get my signs in yards.
All you have to do is reply back to this email and let me know if I can put a sign in your yard. Just send me your address and I’ll put one sign in your yard.
And if you REALLY want to help me you will text, call or email your friends and ask them to let me put a sign in their yard.
Signs are small signals of endorsement. They matter because they influence elections.
They can go up 45 days before the election, May 2, 2023.
I’ll probably be willing to put a sign anywhere, but West Akron is my focus.
Just fill out this form:
I’ll Take A Sign
Use this form to let me know that I can put a sign in your yard. Thank you SO MUCH!
And remember:
- If you love and support me: VOTE.
- If you hate and despise me: VOTE.
The Democratic Primary is May, 2, 2023.
Whoever wins the primary will win the general election. There is no Republican running for Ward 8 in November.