Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman describes why he immersed himself in the homeless community

It’s unfortunate that the mayor’s conclusion ended so simplistically and unnuanced. “Those hippies just want to do drugs” does very little to think rationally about the situation. It also is extremely condescending to people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and yet again made to look like losers by their mayor instead of what they are: people experiencing actual brain chemistry transformations due to addiction. Just the same, the drama this guy has caused is a good opportunity to continue the conversation. He’s just not a very thoughtful or educated or empathetic individual.

Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman describes why he immersed himself in the homeless community

The real reason why the encampment inhabitants refuse to access the shelters is simple — the shelters have rules. One rule, in particular, keeps the encampment inhabitants out of shelters and that rule is that drugs and drug use are prohibited.