Here come the Akron Corprocrats to steal your Democracy.

Here we go again.

The power-mongers of Akron are going to try to buy yet another Akron Mayoral election. And they are going to rely on your political apathy to do it.

Here are 13 reasons you should NOT vote for Marco Sommerville for mayor:

1. Retired Akron Children’s Hospital CEO and President Bill Considine.
2. Retired FirstEnergy lobbyist Joel Bailey.
3. Former FirstEnergy CEO Anthony Alexander.
4. Past Brouse McDowell law firm managing partner Marc Merklin.
5. Summit County Democratic Party Chair Tom Bevan.
6. Summit County Board of Elections Chair Bill Rich.
7. Former party Chair, Mayor and current At-large Councilman Jeff Fusco.
8. The CEOs, owners and families of H.M. Miller, Kenmore and Thomarios construction companies, J.W. Didado Electric, G. Stephens Inc., Rubber City Arches and other companies that receive substantial city contracts.
9. Laborers Local No. 894.
10. The Tri-County Building & Construction Trades Council.
11. Former Summit County chief of staff Jason Dodson.
12. Former Akron city chief of staff Dave Lieberth.
13. Retired Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic.

Those are Sommerville’s high rolling donors. They are cashing in on the promise that they will make TONS more money by donating just a little bit of money from their fat bank accounts.

And WHAT’S WORSE is that the Beacon Journal helps push this agenda. They want the machine to win too.

The article that I’m not going to link to because it SUCKS, and it is only available to rich people who can afford a subscription, puts a huge picture of Sommerville at the front.

Meanwhile, Shammas Malik has beat Sommerville in donations in every way. He has gotten over 200 Akronites to donate to him. WAY more than Sommerville. Malik is buried in the article with a much smaller picture.

Malik’s donors have donated between $212 to $741.

Sommerville’s donors have maxed out the $1000 limit. The first 12 checks Sommerville got her at least $500 each.

Oh yeah… and did you remember this bit of news:
City Council voted 8-5 in November to raise the amount individuals can give to municipal candidates. For mayoral candidates, the maximum donation went from $750 to $1,000. Had the increase, which was supported by Malik and opposed by Mosley, not been approved, Sommerville would have lost $6,000 on the 24 maxed-out checks he collected in just his first five weeks of fundraising.

The Akron Democrat party is in opposition of everything that an average Democrat stands for. Dark money. More campaign finance money. Fuck the environment. Screw poor people. They are evil and rotten.

FOR CHRIST’S SAKE DON’T VOTE FOR SOMMERVILLE. You might as well be voting for Marie Antoinette.