Ohio Supreme Court Declines to Consider Whether Lower Courts May Create Barriers to Lawsuits

Sadly, the Ohio Supreme Court refused to hear our case that our law firm, Institute for Justice, diligently attempted to be heard. Throughout this ENTIRE process we have been fought every step of the way by the mayor, city council, zoning and courts ALL on technicalities. We simply want SOMEONE to answer the question: Does an American citizen have the right to shelter those in dire need on his own property?

They refuse to answer that critical humanitarian question while stopping us on aspects that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

ALL OF THIS does nothing other than steel my resolve.


The way we treat the most desperately in need people in our society is an abomination.

Thank you Institute for Justice for your never ending pursuit of finding justice for our homeless population.

We are on the right side of history. We will prevail. It’s simply a matter of time.

The full story can be seen here:

Ohio Supreme Court Declines to Consider Whether Lower Courts May Create Barriers to Lawsuits – Institute for Justice