2200 Homeless Kids In Akron

Desperate little girl orphan hugging a doll

When I write these posts I try to come up with a catchy headline.

I try to say something that will make you stop a second and consider clicking into read the rest of the story.

If 2200 homeless kids in Akron sounds about right, sounds like an understandable number, sounds like something you can live with… well please just stop reading. You aren’t my audience. 

Two thousand two hundred kids will be homeless the 2015-2016 school year in Akron Ohio.

How do I know that? I got to spend some time with the amazing people at Project RISE. They give supplemental educational services to homeless Akron kids.

They helped 1800 homeless kids last year. They expect that number to increase by 400 this year.

It has increased every year since the Great Recession.

Debra Manteghi, the program director, has an incredibly interesting perspective on our communities. She has a front row seat to parts of our community I didn’t even know existed.

Here are some quick facts that made an impression on me:

  • There are nearly 50,000 homeless kids in Ohio.
  • Roughly 2000 kids are homeless in Akron.
  • Project R.I.S.E. drives about 100 kids A DAY all over town, no matter where they are currently staying, to keep them going to the same school.
  • There are 10 shelters in Akron that offer after-school programs.
  • There are many families who are “doubled up.” These are people that don’t have housing but are on a waiting list to get into a shelter. So they just move from house to house to house.
  • A national report (sorry, I can’t remember which one) has found that homeless kids tend to do better in public schools.
  • There is an ongoing increase in drug use and mental health issues with the homeless. 
  • Among industrialized nations, the United States has the largest number of homeless women and children.
  • 84% of families experiencing homelessness are female-headed.
  • Over 92% of homeless mothers have experienced severe physical and/or sexual abuse during their lifetime.
  • By age 12, 83% of homeless children had been exposed to at least one serious violent event.
  • 1 of every 4 homeless women is homeless because of violence committed against her.
  • There is a segment of these kids classified as “unaccompanied youth.” They are out there on their own.
  • Project RISE created “PACT” (Performing Arts Can Teach) where they take homeless families to arts events throughout the city.
  • Project RISE gives out about 15 monthly bus passes to high school kids every week.
  • Homeless kids are the fastest growing group of homeless in Akron and America.
  • Project RISE is the ONLY group solely dedicated to homeless kids in Akron.

This meeting had a profound impact on me. 

A: I didn’t have any idea of the extent of homeless kids in Akron.

B: I didn’t have any idea we had a group as awesome as Project RISE in Akron.

If you would like to learn more, here are a couple links for Project RISE:

Project RISE Website

Project R.I.S.E. on Facebook


20 responses to “2200 Homeless Kids In Akron”

  1. NEW only, or will gently used clothes/shoes be accepted?

    1. Only new shoes will be accepted. But I’m I think gently used coats and such are good.

      Thank you!

    2. Hi Kash,

      I’m not totally sure about cloths in general. They didn’t say that was a top need. But then again, they have a cloths closet and may gladly take anything.

      Just give them a call or email:
      Phone: 330-761-2730
      [email protected]

  2. Marihelyn Avatar

    I work at a Community mental health outreach center I will
    Bring toothbrushes and toothpaste I get donated ! Thanks for sharing these statistics are mind boggling !
    Many blessings

    1. Thank you so much!

  3. Jamie singer Avatar
    Jamie singer

    thank you!

    1. Thank YOU!

  4. There is probably as many vacant homes. Have Mr Horrigan open them up. Let these children and their families live like humans.

    1. This is actually a huge opportunity. Akron was selected as the most affordable city. Most cities with homeless problems have the opposite issue.

      I’m going to spend time seriously looking into this.

      1. If this becomes a reality, I love to offer some help by painting the inside of the homes so that families can have a nice place to come home to.

        1. That’s a super idea! I’m going to start talking to some churches about what we can do to connect these people to all the abandoned homes in Akron.

          Thank you!

      2. I read a report that stated there are 3 abandond homes for every homeless person we have in the u.s. they are just sitting empty

  5. What is being done in regards to Christmas gifts for these children?

    1. They do this too. I’ll let you know more about it as we go along.

      Their Harvest dinner is the first thing. And I’ll let you know more about that too. 🙂

  6. My family has been looking for a place that we can volunteer our time and to help teach our kids about giving back to the community and we’re wondering if there are any volunteer opportunities that we could do as a family? I would also like to pass on the information to my church as well especially since we are located in the Akron area. If you could please provide a list(aside from whats listed above) of things that you may need volunteers for or if you do a Christmas gift drive then let me know. I hope to help in some way!

  7. Harry Patterson Avatar
    Harry Patterson

    Sage. I 5hink I could use your help. I a victim of domestic violence and I have my three children. My so to be ex wife who is a tear 2 sexual predator my 4 yr old daughter and 11 yr old son are her victims she was released on may 19th 2015. And now has taken everything from us. She us evicting us from the only home my children have ever know. We will be homeless soon. Because I am a man no one will listen to my story. Do you know of anyone that will help us.

  8. Carol Munger Avatar
    Carol Munger

    Is there an organization in Elyria that helps the homeless of Lorain County?

  9. Stephanie Adolff Avatar
    Stephanie Adolff

    I cannot afford to help, I do have time during the week, a van and a willing heart and hands. What can help?

  10. Please also see http://www.sheltercareinc.org/ the only homeless shelter for teens in Summit County they always need supplies . Please donate.

  11. […] the most influential post I’ve ever written was discussing the 2200 homeless kids that are in Akron and the only group that is solely […]