Sage Against The Machine

An Open Letter To Comunale and Williams

Hey Guys,

Thought you might enjoy this . . .

Countdown to The Primary

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So, I’m not an experienced politician, as has been discussed on Radio and TV.  But I am a marketer and, while that can be about persuasion, I like to think it’s mostly about connection nowadays.  That’s because power has shifted — from the Large Institutions that used to push message to The People on that ground that form communities and talk to one another. 

Pushing message is very last decade. I think politics needs to be about the people. So, I’m just recommending you think about that before Horrigan buries you in his money. A grand finale explosion of push advertising at the last minute is not only old school but stands little chance against the money guy. You’re going to lose that game.. 

I believe we all need to think of ourselves as freedom fighters. None of us underdogs are going to be able to win the war if we fight the way the super power wants us to fight. Go stand on an open battlefield of TV and radio advertising and he’s got us right where he wants us. We’re done. 

So, I’m not an experienced politician, but I am an experienced marketer and I like a good fair fight, so here are some unique ways I know how to connect with people online:

  • Reddit AMA’s
  • Periscope live video sessions
  • Heartfelt YouTube videos
  • Genuine, personal blogging & posting to your Facebook friends to build a loyal audience. Posting pictures from the last time you ran for office on your Facebook page? #lame

I might not win this race, but I am connecting with the people of Akron.  And I care about that.  And you should too. Here are my stats for just my website in the last 2 weeks:

I’ve reached 1700 unique people in 2 weeks just on my website. Facebook is much more. And I’m aggressively working Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. 

Frank: People seem to like you. I know that because they tell me that when I talk to them. You look authentic on your site. Use social video to get that across to as many people as you can. 

Mike: You have all this online stuff set up. But you aren’t connecting. What ideas and solutions can you provide? Also, I saw you took down your big sign in front of your building. That thing was old school, but awesome and a huge opportunity.

At some point, after much internal debating and conversation, Dan might come out with some party approved ideas for how to move forward. I’m looking to come up with unique and different ideas and change the tone of the conversation. Let’s change the game.  Let’s get young generations interested in government and policy and their thriving city. Let’s have new discussions on new channels.

The web lets you build good relationships much more efficiently than door to door or cookouts. I think they are both needed, but we can all use new technology and learn more about how to serve the people of Akron. 

I think it’s time to move beyond electing the guy who says his name the most times on TV and radio. We all deserve better than that. 

Let’s give the people of Akron the choice of mayor they deserve. Don’t be loyal to the past ways of doing things. Let’s be loyal to the people. 


4 responses to “An Open Letter To Comunale and Williams”

  1. Owenl Avatar

    B the change u want to c

    1. Indeed!

  2. Sunshine Avatar

    Well I root for the under dog! Good luck!

    This is crazy crazy – might work!


    1. Thanks Laura!

      We live in a time where the people have more power than ever before.

      I absolutely believe it can work.