My Tweets From Last Week:

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Also: people are largely afraid. They could use leadership that is encouraging and hopeful that they can do it.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

I will say: people lack vision. Great leadership would be painting a picture of what that “something” could look li…

These are all the tweets I made last week:

There is social capital and economic capital in helping the poorest in our communities.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

If I was a city planner I too might focus on catering to rich people. BUT did you know there is $366 billion annual…

These are all the tweets I made last week:

But you do you and I’ll do me and maybe together we’ll find the path for our future.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

My theory that I’m personally banking my entire midlife career on is: helping the poor is right and viable.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

True! I haven’t seen any real evidence that spill over or trickle down is a statistically significant factor in eco…

These are all the tweets I made last week:

It is not @realDonaldTrump that will grind is into the ground. It is our own deep hate. Our viciousness is the real mortal threat.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

When the internet was young they had things called flame wars. Now we just have Facebook.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

This is my big, hairy, audacious goal: Second Chance Training Center

These are all the tweets I made last week:

We just got our 1st donation for the Second Chance Training Center 2017. Click to Donate: via @gofundme

These are all the tweets I made last week:

.@BillGates and @WarrenBuffett say the #1 key to success is: FOCUS. But being at the right place and time is also critical.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Every entrepreneur should be so lucky as to have a @rockylewis in their life.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

So my first ever grant is due tomorrow. I just found out about it. That’s my kind of deadline.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

@rockylewis I dropped it off. The lady went over it all. SUPER helpful. But she says they don’t usually do startups.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Being brave feels terrible. You’re sick to your stomach. You want to go cry in the corner. But you do it anyway. That’s what brave is.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

There is a tremendous amount of downward pressure on the graphic design and web development market. The industry has been Walmarted.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

@rockylewis Thanks honey. Having you in my life makes it a lot easier. 🙂

These are all the tweets I made last week:

The sad truth is: Americans are not usually as good Web developers as Eastern Europeans or Indians. So we’re more expensive and not as good.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

@ChrisSchmittEsq That’s right. That’s because you are working on a global market. So it’s shocking when you actually get less for your $10k.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

The Tools Talk Twitch –

These are all the tweets I made last week:

If you are a creator some people will always hate you. Like wish you were dead hate you. Just ask Jesus, Gandhi & MLK & every YouTuber ever.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Dayton Ohio! Ohioans care. – The moment a quick thinking bus driver saves a woman about to commit suicide

These are all the tweets I made last week:

CRISPR cures sickle cell. Will Sickle Cell Be the Next Disease Genetic Engineering Cures? @smoMashup @rockylewis