My Tweets From Last Week:

These are all the tweets I made last week:

The only heros we have in America are rich people and warriors. Capitalism won’t work if we believe anything else.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Drats! Clef Two Factor Authentication is Shutting Down via @wordfence

These are all the tweets I made last week:

I’m a Level 3 Local Guide on Google Maps. My 28 pics have been seen over 2.5 million times. I feel bad if I ever give less than a 5⭐️review.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

OK!! Ben Carson….I can’t! Immigrants ? In the bottom of SLAVE SHIPS??!! MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!!#dickheadedtom

These are all the tweets I made last week:

@rockylewis yup

These are all the tweets I made last week:

I agree. I’m not up for being molested right now.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Why we don’t make a bigger deal of #Akron awesomeness is beyond me. @GOJOindustries at @SpaceCenterHou

These are all the tweets I made last week:

You got it it @NASAValkyrie You are awesome.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

.@Chrostowski4CLE of @EdwinsCLE fame is running for #cleveland mayor. You have my 100% support. (I’ve got some experience doing this, btw.)

These are all the tweets I made last week:

“See, it’s not called ACA any more. It’s now called AHCA. American Health Care Act. Totally different.” Why even pretend we have 2 parties.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

The message of economic developers in Texas is: lower taxes, less regulation. What is your state’s message to pull in businesses?

These are all the tweets I made last week:

I just hope I’m never in need of anything cuz America doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

Oh. And I’m super glad I’m a white man. That lottery ticket is really paying off. You REALLY should have been born a white man.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

This Hispanic family keeps looking over at me like I’m the fucking Gestapo. This immigrant situation is twisted.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

I can’t wait to read “The Diary of María Guadalupe”. The story of a young Mexican girl hiding from ICE in 21st century America.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

@rockylewis I know. I’ve got to talk to someone about this icky feeling I’m having. White men should never have to experience it.

These are all the tweets I made last week:

@rockylewis @YouTube Awesome!

These are all the tweets I made last week:

There was something weird about Texas I couldn’t quite put my finger on until now. I think people smile more here than Northeast Ohio.