You Don’t Need To Study Christianity To Know It



There are these universal experiences people have in certain spiritual moments.

People talk about a white light in near death experiences.

Users of a drug called “DMT”  have reported encounters with “machine elves”: entities referenced throughout the world in shamanic cultures.

There are no atheists in foxholes.

Many prisoners report “finding” God in prison.

I’m not here to debate whether these are just chemical coincidences that these people experience within moments of extreme change.

My point is that we find repeatable feelings and compelling spiritual drives that many people often experience.

As I have moved down the path of helping the homeless people have told me things like I am the manifestation of Jesus. That I am the hand of God.

This is not because of some deep, philosophical understanding of the Bible and Jesus and God. This is me walking blindly through the woods of life listening to nature telling me where to go next.

This is like moving towards singing birds. The aroma of flowers getting closer. The sound of a flowing river calling out to me.

This is how you find God.

God is not in a book. God is not found through a person. God is not in a building. (God is actually found in those things as well. But we need to move away from all these things before we can move back to them.)

If you listen for God you will hear God. You might have to walk around a little. You might have to talk to people a little. But God is out there.

Here are some tips to get started:

  • Paint more of what you want to paint if you are a painter.
  • Build more of what you want to build if you are a builder.
  • Exercise more the way you want to exercise if you exercise.
  • Love your family more if you want to love your family.
  • Cook more if you like cooking.

Do more of what you want to do the way you want to do it. That is where you are going to find God.

Close your eyes. Listen for something to come to you. Read a book you’ve been meaning to read. Watch a movie you’ve been meaning to watch.

And then listen to where you are supposed to go next. I assure you, the draw will become more and more clear and compelling the more you do this.

Keep an eye out for compulsive behavior. Doing something because the pain of not doing something is not the direction you want to go.

You are looking for things you want to do. Things you’ve been meaning to do.

That is the path of God.


One response to “You Don’t Need To Study Christianity To Know It”

  1. Brenda Hupfer Avatar
    Brenda Hupfer

    When you start searching to a path to God you are first on the path of disbelief. I watched on the TV of the many hurricanes ….and some of those people were staying put no matter what. They may have been in disbelief the storm would not directly hit them. They may have been through a few and managed fine. They may have believed that their God would save them. They did not heed the weather warning ….they did not heed the police that told them to go to a shelter….they did not heed the caution of the National guards that were sent out to rescue them. The water kept getting higher….someone was sent to rescue them by air ….but they were in disbelief. They died ….and when they first seen God….they wanted to know why did he did not save them. God;s always got a good reply …even in your subconscious …. I sent the weather reports — I sent the police -I sent -I sent the National guard -I sent the rescue from the air….you just kept climbing…. ie And then listen to where you are supposed to go next. I assure you, the draw will become more and more clear and compelling the more you do this..I agree with this part …good advice Sage. Proverbs 2 /1-5 make your ear attentive to wisdom …. I believe you do that, …Sage….and I believe you feel God’s presence within you and around you.