BizCamp – Spring 2009

There’s a really cool event coming to Akron April 17th:

BizCamp – Spring 2009 Speaker Schedule | Office Space Coworking

 What is BizCamp?

BizCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment.

It’s an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants. Sometimes referred to as an ‘un-conference’ it’s a break from the expensive, ‘pitch’-driven, cattle-herding events that have become all too common in the business world.

Rather – BizCamp is a participatory event.

Attendees help determine what presentations will be given — and even have the opportunity to present themselves. The presentations themselves are intimate affairs – small groups of 20-30 people. The sessions feature an open dialogue of questions, answers and -yes- even the occasional ‘I don’t know.’

If you are free, seriously consider attending. It should be a great event.