If you’ve found your way over here via an RSS feed or you just were surfing around, you might want to just skip this post. I probably would write this kind of thing in an offline journal, but I’m too lazy to get up and get it. So, since my blog is right in front of me, I thought I’d use it.
Isn’t January something like the most depressing month of the year? There’s an article that says,
Jan. 24 called worst day of the year. Now you see that’s depressing in and of itself because today is only January 10. Maybe I’m getting mine out of the way early. But man, have I got the blahs.
I also have this hypothesis that emotions and temperments are more interlinked societally. I often can sense stress and depression across the entire country. For example, I often find that Thursday’s are really tense for people. Not every Thursday. But every so often, it seems every person I talk to on a particular Thursday is just angry. And then the very next day those same people are as happy as can be.
I feel there is some mass depression going on right at the moment. This week is the first week that we’re all back for a full week since the holidays and I feel like it’s hitting everyone hard. Things just feel hard.
Now here’s the thing, most times I can just observe this happening. I usually can steer pretty clear of getting down in it. But not today. Today, I’m just stuck. Everything feels labored, heavy, hard.
I feel like I’m forcing myself to move through sludge.
I always wonder about the fight or flight instinct on days like today. I wonder if anyone’s instinct is to naturally want to fight when they feel like this. I tend to be a fighter in many cases. But not on days like today. Today I would love to lock myself in my theater and watch about 12 hours of movies. Too bad, I’ve got 4 meetings.