Sage Against The Machine

Encoding DVD’s To Put On My Hard Drive

I have a small computer that I would like to play movies on. However, it doesn’t have a dvd player.

So, now I’m venturing into the dark world of cracking dvd’s with Decrypting software and then re-encoding the movies to fit the various formats I’m interested in using.

Right now I’m testing this:
DVD Decrypter

You have to do a search for something like ‘download DVD Decrypter’ to find a mirror where you can download this.

I’ve also downloaded this:


Thinking this would solve all my problems. However, this is more of a tool to encode your already ripped dvd’s.

So, I’m decrypting a movie right now. Then I “think” I’m going to use HandBrake to re-encode it to a size I want.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

I also downloaded this: FREE Backup Solution for your DVD movies!

But I think this all-in-one package might not be ideal. We’ll see.