Finding Nothing In Myself

In Tuesday’s yoga, I realized my own Nothingness that I talked about seeing in Indiana here:Sage Lewis: Allegory of the Cave and God

I felt strongly being the observer watching the entire world, starting from my mind and body, it all being completely out of my control. I don’t own any of it. I may be able to have a positive mental attitude, I can work out to help my body stay fit, but none of it is mine… It’s all outside. And with that, there is no difference between me and everything else in the world. It’s all equal and with that, it’s all mostly empty space with a few particles that themselves constantly come in and out of existence.

In our community there is a big debate going on between Evolution and Creationism. It’s not nearly as interesting as looking at the parallels to Buddhism and Physics. The Buddhists, as it turns out, have had it right all along.

If the topic of how physics is validating Buddhim interests you, check this out:

You have to see that your attitudes, your view of the world, of your experiences, of your girlfriend or boyfriend, of your own self, are all the interpretation of your own mind, your own imagination. They are your own projection, your mind literally made them up. If you don’t understand this then you have very little chance of understanding emptiness.

This is not just the Buddhist view but also the experience of Western physicists and philosophers – they have researched into reality too. Physicists look and look and look and they simply cannot find one entity that exists in a permanent, stable way: this is the Western experience of emptiness.

Integrating Emptiness into Everyday Life: Lama Yeshe

And here:
Much Ado About Nothing

Barry Magid at puts it: “This emptiness is identical to fullness. It is everything, and everything is nothing but it. What does any of this mean in the real world of pots and pans? Simply that all distinctions, all meanings, all identities and especially all our self-identities, have no fixed boundary or definition, except ones that we create and try to hold onto.”

Heaven and earth come from the same root as myself:
All things and I belong to one Whole.

What I realized during that yoga time was that the only semi-different part of me and the rest of the Nothing is that I have been given the special skill of being allowed to observe it all. With this observance, we as humans, have taken that to mean we somehow have control of any of it. The Observer in us gives us the illusion of control… Of Free Will. In reality, we are more like rocks that the world pushes around and interacts with than us being an autonomous being which move freely through the world. We are just so close to our lives that we think we are in control.

And what does this understanding mean to me? I gives me a beautiful sense of harmony and oneness. We are all of the same energy. We are all the same. None of us are our actions or experiences. We are all cut from the same space dust created from stars that exploded billions of years ago. It’s comforting. It’s uniting. It’s love.