I’m a proud customer of ING DIRECT. They have made a big effort in trying to make saving hip. I’m sure trying to push that marketing concept through a financial services company was no small task.
But I just got a cool email from them recommended some books for the summer.
I thought I would share them with you:
June 28, 2005
What would summer be without a good book? Here are some of our favorites:
- Our CEO’s Pick – The Automatic
Millionaire, David Bach – This book gives good, practical
advice to the young and old alike on managing personal finances. It’s never
too late to start! We are particularly proud of the mention of ING DIRECT
and the Orange
Savings Account in this book. - The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley
and William Danko – Want to become wealthy and have the lifestyle
you really want? Follow seven simple rules and stop renting your life away. - All You’re Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money
Plan, Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi – This book is
for real people living on a budget who want to learn how to pay for the
things they want and need and also how to save for the future. - Our Special Pick for Parents and Children
– Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday, Judith Viorst and Ray
Cruz – This is a book for all of those skeptics out there who think
a dollar can’t get you much. Children will be able to connect with the
concept of money management.
I’ve read “The Millionaire Next Door”. It’s really good. It might be disappointing for some. There isn’t much of a trick to it other than being pretty dang tight with your money.