The machine is grinding us into food for the system. Fight the system. Fight the machine. It is not your friend. 
Sage Against The Machine.
Libertarian Humanist.

Issues I Would Focus on If I Were to Run For Akron Mayor in 2023

May 1, 2021

I am not saying I will run for Akron Mayor in 2023. But SOMEONE needs to run and I don't get a sense of anyone thinking about it at this point. (It's getting close to the time when a person has to decide if they are going to run or not if they have any hope of being a serious player.)Democracy only works if we have some sort of choice when we are voting. As of today, these are the initiatives I would focus on if I were mayor.

What do you think of these and what would you focus on if you were mayor of Akron?

Paid For By The People for Sage Lewis

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