Category: The Road To Mayor
Issues I Would Focus on If I Were to Run For Akron Mayor in 2023
I am not saying I will run for Akron Mayor in 2023. But SOMEONE needs to run and I don’t get a sense of anyone thinking about it at this point. (It’s getting close to the time when a person has to decide if they are going to run or not if they have any…
Who I Endorse For Akron Mayor
As I attempted to run for Akron mayor, I was given a unique front row seat to the candidates. I also got a lot of interesting off the record insight into these people too. There is a part of me that really wants to tell you all the gossip I heard. Much of what…
Akron Press Club – A Scourge On Democracy
I spent most of the Akron Mayoral debate yesterday just shaking my head. There are three candidates you will see on the ballot for Akron mayor on November 3. But the Akron Press Club chose to only let the Democrat and Republican candidates participate in their debate. I challenge you to tell me one legitimate…
The Mac is Bac!
You may remember the story of our iMac being stolen from our office by a homeless guy I was helping. The interesting part of that story is that all Apple products have gps tracking on them. So I’ve had an alert set to notify me when it came back online. Sure enough, it came…
Day 106: I’m Out and I’m Sorry – On The Road To Mayor
The verdict was decided today by the Summit County Board of Elections: Not enough of my 1086 signatures were deemed valid. Most of the reasons were either because they: Weren’t registered. Not the correct address. That was the fatal flaw of my strategy. Most of my time was spent with the homeless. Apparently they have…
Day 104 – Perpetual Not Knowing – On The Road To Mayor
Fortunately, the next chapter of this journey is near. This Wednesday, September 23, at 10am the Board of Elections will determine if any of the Independent Candidates will make it onto the November 3 General Election ballot. There are 3 possible Independents that potentially could get on the ballot. Me Bill Melver Stephen Muhammad Both…
Day 100 – Guess who’s a Gigabit city. It’s not Akron. – On the road to mayor
The awesome news that Hudson is now going to officially be a Gigabit city came over yesterday: Hudson starts up high-speed gigabit internet service – Your Business – Ohio Hudsons city owned and operated Velocity Broadband as of Tuesday started offering internet connections up to a gigabit per second 1,000 megabits per second. To give you…
Day 99: This is how change starts. – On the road to mayor
I missed a call and text last night about 10:15. When I woke up this morning I was able to put the whole story together through text, Facebook and some Facebook messages. A homeless guy I, and two other friends, Bill Wise and Jon Batten (who I met through Conservative News Authority), are friends with…
Day 98 – Second Class Citizens – On The Road To Mayor
I think one of the most difficult human abilities to develop is empathy. Being able to put yourself in another person’s shoes is incredibly difficult. Maybe impossible, really. If you aren’t experiencing something it’s very common to feel like it doesn’t exist. Women are treated fairly in the workplace. African Americans are treated equally by…
Day 96: Why there are so few great people. On The Road To Mayor
Do you remember the post (day 32) where I listed a few people who I thought would be cool to run for mayor? As you can imagine, there was no resounding thrill from them to run. The best people in our communities rarely have interest in running for office. Why? I don’t think it’s…
Day 95: But he stole your iMac! On the road to mayor.
That picture pretty much says it all. That’s my newest friend walking out the front door of my office in the middle of the night this past Thursday with the iMac in my office. We had met earlier in the day, in my office, talking about many things. How the owner of the apartment…
Day 94 – Dan Horrigan Already Outsourcing Akron Jobs – On The Road To Mayor
You can learn so much by looking at a candidate’s campaign finance reports. And what’s cool is they are all public record. As a candidate that gets or spends over a $1000 you have to file a campaign finance report before an election and after an election. So there will be another update coming soon.…
Day 92 – Forget Mayor. I’m going to be a fortune teller – On The Road To Mayor
On Day 8 of this journey, June 17, I told you Dan Horrigan was going to win: Day 8 – Everybody knows this is Dan Horrigan’s Town – The Road To Mayor – Sage Lewis for Mayor of Akron Talk to an insider and they will tell you one thing: Dan Horrigan is going to…
Day 91 – Primary Election Day! On The Road To Mayor
Did you know that the word “democracy” is never mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution? Democracy was feared by the founding fathers. James Madison expressed this attitude in Federalist #10: “…instability, injustice, and confusion …have in truth been the mortal disease under which popular governments everywhere perished…” But they knew one…
Day 90 – A Zero Waste City – On the Road To Mayor
I read with great interest the New York Times article on zero waste communities. I am a firm believer that in order for Akron to grow and become a place young people want to live we must move forward bravely and boldly. We must become a beacon of light and inspiration for what 21st…
Day 87 – 1086 Signatures! – On The Road To Mayor
I have a habit of becoming obsessed with things. I can’t just run a few miles a day. I have to run a marathon without ever running another race in my life. I can’t run just one marathon. I need to run 3 marathons to prove to myself that I actually can run marathons. When…
Day 85 – A Gift of Vegetables – On The Road To Mayor
There is a man who has been a great help to me with my campaign so far. He spent over two decades in prison. Though thin, he has diabetes. His liver is failing. His feet hurt him immensely. He’s been a heroin addict. And, like many homeless or near homeless people, he has a…
Day 85 – Stop Complaining! – On The Road To Mayor
As a middle aged, (used to be) blonde haired, blue eyed, 6’2″ white male I know nothing of what it means to be dismissed, segregated or marginalized. Truly, I am “the man.” But this mayoral campaign has given me the rare opportunity in my life to get a small taste of what it’s like to be…
Day 83 – Mayoral Available Funds – On The Road To Mayor
The Akron mayoral candidates in the primary race needed to submit their financial information last week. I’ll be talking about this in greater detail over the next few days. But today I just wanted to show you the top line numbers. How much money each candidate has been given so far in the race. Dan Horrigan:…
Day 82: To Mike Williams Supporters – On The Road To Mayor
You probably don’t know me. And therefore you have no reason to trust me. And honestly, I’m not overly enthusiastic about Mike. But he definitely has strengths: He is incredibly knowledgeable about how the Akron government machine works. He’s smart. He’s polished and professional. His weaknesses are not important for this conversation. And you…