Category: Initiatives

  • The Main Lesson Helping Is Teaching Me

    The Main Lesson Helping Is Teaching Me

    A homeless person messaged me recently (I hadn’t talked to her in MONTHS.)She said she needs her mail and a phone she had sent to my office immediately or she was going to “Report” me. These encounters are where the learning in life is most important for my personal journey. “No good deed goes unpunished”…

  • Akron Movement

    Akron Movement

    I quicky put some ideas together for something I’m calling the Akron Movement. I am SO into the idea of getting people to engage with politics and realize that they have the power to make the world what they want it to be. Additionally, there is a deep level of hopelessness in rust belt cities…

  • Why do you care about people?

    Why do you care about people?

    I’m growing to hate larger and larger swaths of people. People that are irate for having to wear a mask even though there is a good chance it would protect our elderly and sick from dying. People that will blindly stand with police even though we can all clearly see that police are getting away…

  • Why I really want you to vote for the marijuana bill…

    Why I really want you to vote for the marijuana bill…

    There is one prevailing reason most people I know don’t like Issue 3 that will be on the ballot on Tuesday, November 3: It creates a monopoly. In fact, here is the text you will read on the ballot: Issue 3Grants a monopoly for the commercial production and sale of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposesProposed…

  • Day 100 – Guess who’s a Gigabit city. It’s not Akron. – On the road to mayor

    Day 100 – Guess who’s a Gigabit city. It’s not Akron. – On the road to mayor

    The awesome news that Hudson is now going to officially be a Gigabit city came over yesterday: Hudson starts up high-speed gigabit internet service – Your Business – Ohio Hudsons city owned and operated Velocity Broadband as of Tuesday started offering internet connections up to a gigabit per second 1,000 megabits per second. To give you…

  • Day 90 – A Zero Waste City – On the Road To Mayor

    Day 90 – A Zero Waste City – On the Road To Mayor

       I read with great interest the New York Times article on zero waste communities.  I am a firm believer that in order for Akron to grow and become a place young people want to live we must move forward bravely and boldly.  We must become a beacon of light and inspiration for what 21st…

  • Fully Support Fight for $15

    Fully Support Fight for $15

    I am in complete support and will advocate for the Fight for $15 cause.  We cannot live in a world where people work full time and can’t live. $15 minimum wage is realistic and fair. If you believe the government spend too much money helping people with food and living expenses you should support Fight for…

  • The Socks On Every Feet Program

    The Socks On Every Feet Program

    I have gotten to talk to a lot of homeless on this path to being mayor. These people, often forgotten or looked over, are intensely passionate about the City of Akron and it’s representatives. You might suspect that they are entirely self-indulgent or only caring about their own personal issues.  You would be wrong. The…

  • Day 46 – The Voice of the People – On The Road To Mayor

    Day 46 – The Voice of the People – On The Road To Mayor

       We had a really great talk on Facebook today about what the focus of the campaign should be.  A major focus for me is the ages old infrastructure of the 2 party system.  We live in the United States of the 2 Party System.  They hold all the keys. They make all the rules. …

  • Legalized Squatting & Tent Cities

    Legalized Squatting & Tent Cities

      The International Squaters Symbol   Homelessness is a very real problem in Akron.  If you have a better way of solving it I’m all ears.  But I have an idea: What if prequalified homeless were given the opportunity to move into an abandon house or building? They would agree to stay off drugs.  They…

  • Plastic Roads

    Plastic Roads

    Dutch company, VolkerWessels, has recently come out with a new concept: PlasticRoad. As the Rubber Capital of the World and the Polymer Capital of the World we should be leading this initiative. Akron should be the first city in the world with polymer roads. Here are some features of this road: Can handle -40 degrees Can easily…

  • The 1000 Business Challenge

    The 1000 Business Challenge

    As soon as I’m mayor we will begin a challenge to get 1000 new startup businesses in Akron in the first 2 years I am mayor.  People will be able to submit their business ideas and then these people will be assigned to business advocates that will help make these into real, fully functioning businesses. …

  • State & Federal Mass Transit Funding

    State & Federal Mass Transit Funding

    We need to look very intensely at what grants and funds are available for mass transit and bike routes.  We likely don’t have a lot of extra money in the budget for these things. But there is very likely money available that we could use. 

  • The Urban Garden Initiative 

    The Urban Garden Initiative 

    Akron already has some really cool urban gardens.  We need to look at all the places we can put more urban gardens.  Green space is critical to slowing water runoff during storms.  We can let the community vote on the most beautiful gardens. 

  • The NEO Mayors Consortium 

    The NEO Mayors Consortium 

    All local mayors should be invited to meet online quarterly and in person yearly.  Different cities can host the consortiums to foster collaboration and innovative leadership strategies for the 21st century.  We all have similar issues. We can learn and grow from each other. 

  • The Pothole Incubator

    The Pothole Incubator

    The pothole issue in Akron is beyond ridiculous.  I propose we turn this into an innovation opportunity.  Let the Polymer School tag the potholes and test different materials for filling potholes quickly, effectively and affordably.  Let the community submit ideas for pothole abatement. We’ll pick the best of these and test and track them as…

  • The 770

    The 770

    There are over 770 cities in the United States that have the same combined sewer system issues that Akron has.  I will head up an online community for all of these cities to come together to discuss their experiences and issues.  We are stronger together than apart. 

  • Sage Lewis for Akron Mayor – There is an alternative.

    Sage Lewis for Akron Mayor – There is an alternative.

    From WKYC: “Unlikely Candidate” “The Mystery Cowboy Candidate” My campaign is simple: You don’t have to accept the way things are. There is an alternative to the same old same old. You can be whoever you want to be. That’s the right of everyone in Akron, Ohio USA THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE. More is coming…

  • Loosen Restrictions On Food Trucks

    Loosen Restrictions On Food Trucks

    photo from: Akron Food Truck Friday | TeaTime with the Mad Artist I evolve my businesses based on one fundamental law of business: You can’t stop progress.  Food trucks are the current evolution of the restaurant business. I love restaurants as much as the next person. But I also love food trucks.  We need to continue…

  • Akron Will Post Its Checkbook Online

    Akron Will Post Its Checkbook Online

       I recently came across this story: Stow first in Summit County to put citys checkbook online Through the states website, taxpayers are now able to view every dime Stow spends — from office equipment to asphalt providers to legal fees — in a searchable database. Akron will do this when I’m mayor! We…