Internet is not a luxury. It’s a fundamental right. 

You don’t need a big study to prove that kids who have Internet access at home will have a significant edge over kids who don’t have Internet at home. 

We need a way to get Internet access in the homes of every kid in Akron. 

Now, you need to understand something about me. I believe the best answers will come from the largest group of people. 

NASA has taken to putting big questions to the public. For example, they have a contest running now: “NASA Contest Wants Your Ideas to Keep Astronauts Safe on Mars”

I’m a huge proponent of crowd sourcing. We should offer contests to come up with the best ideas to solve many big problems in out city. 

And then the businesses of Akron can implement the solutions. 

If Akron businesses can solve a problem they should be given every opportunity to solve the problem. 

How do we solve this problem? I don’t know. But I do know that the people of Akron can solve the problem. 

Innovation, creativity, open-mindedness. These are fundamental principles of a Sage Lewis Mayoral administration. 


One response to “Internet is not a luxury. It’s a fundamental right. ”

  1. […] This was the very first initiative I wrote about on this site for being mayor of Akron: Internet is not a luxury. It’s a fundamental right.  – Sage Lewis for Mayor of Akron. […]