The machine is grinding us into food for the system. Fight the system. Fight the machine. It is not your friend. 
Sage Against The Machine.
Libertarian Humanist.

Sage Lewis for Akron Mayor - There is an alternative.

June 19, 2015

From WKYC: "Unlikely Candidate"

"The Mystery Cowboy Candidate"


My campaign is simple:

  1. You don't have to accept the way things are. There is an alternative to the same old same old.
  2. You can be whoever you want to be. That's the right of everyone in Akron, Ohio USA


More is coming soon.

In the mean time, please consider following me on these social media sites:

Sage Lewis (@sagerock) on Twitter

Sage Lewis on Facebook

Sage Lewis (@sagelewis4) on Instagram

Sage Lewis For Mayor Of Akron on YouTube

Sage Lewis for Akron Mayor on Pinterest

upclose - sage.lewis - (You probably have never heard of these people but they are a live streaming app like Periscope. But I like these guys more. Check 'em out sometime.)

Paid For By The People for Sage Lewis

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