
This is a pretty interesting article: Fast Company article on young 20 somethings.

Check out some of these excerpts:

Millennials aren’t interested in the financial success that drove the boomers or the independence that has marked the gen-Xers, but in careers that are personalized. They want educational opportunities in China and a chance to work in their companies’ R&D departments for six months.

These folks want feedback daily, not annually. And in case it’s not obvious, millennials are fearless and blunt. If they think they know a better way, they’ll tell you, regardless of your title.

“Nothing infuriates us more than busywork,”

I don’t have time to be intimidated,” says Anna Stassen, a 26-year-old copywriter at the advertising agency Fallon Worldwide who treats her bosses like “the guys.” “It’s not that I’m disrespectful; it’s just a waste of energy to be fearful.”

“These values don’t change over time.” So if companies want to attract, retain, manage, and motivate the next generation of workers, they’re going to have to adapt.

Millennials aren’t asking for signing bonuses or the right to bring their dogs (or parents) to work. They just want to be heard, which, when you think about it, really isn’t that much to ask.

I love this stuff. Do you think Ohio can handle these changes? Do you think an accounting firm in Ohio would let a new 22 year old play video games all day while they’re on calls, and doing general work? Ha! I can see that Red blood exploding out the ears of old school execs. It’s too bad people don’t want to retire in Ohio because those are the only people who are going to live here.


One response to “Millennials”

  1. Nope, I don’t think Ohio can handle these changes. I generally have a great disrespect for these “Millennials”, probably much like the boomers had/have for us (gen-x). This is the group that is formed because parents can’t discipline their children, there are no longer winners & losers in school, every child is special, and there is a medical condition for every damn thing they do which explains why it is not their fault. Guess what, it’s a hard lesson to learn, there are losers, there are people better than you, your not special – until you prove it, and yes, it is your fault. If that 22 year-old can play games while making calls, good they can multi-task.. a useful skill, put it to work. Play the games at home, and since you hate busywork, figure out how to stream-line your list of tasks. Double the expected workload within the same timeslot. Good with computers/technology great figure out how to automate more, sell more, finish faster.