My Toastmaster Ice Breaker Speech – Organized

?Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster?; then face the audience and say, ?Ladies and gentlemen?? or ?Fellow Toastmasters and welcome guests??

“I’m an atheist. (pause) But I do have at least one belief. I co-own,, with my wife, Rocky. We have something called The SageRock Experience. This is the roadmap for all of our actions. Within the SageRock Exerience we have:

THE SAGEROCK CORE VALUE – this is the one belief that we base all of our actions on. While other things my change and evolve, the SageRock Core Value never will.

The SageRock Core Value is:

The concern, respect and empathy for the individual people we come in contact with at SageRock is our single core value.

The world can be cold, unforgiving, unconcerned for the individual.

SageRock is an oasis for the individual.

I wanted to talk briefly about how we got to this point. There are three main points for arriving at this Core Value.

Point One:
I wanted to create a place where I would want to come to work. Our main focus is not money or even the customer… it is the team member.
We’ve all worked at terrible places.
I wanted to make a difference.

Point Two:
I have a vision of creating the largest service-based business on the planet through being the best place to work.

Point Three:
I can’t believe people don’t get this. People who aren’t appreciated or respected will never give you their all. By putting them first in the company they will take care of you.

“While I’m an atheist, Joan of Arc was anything but.
She was burned at the stake at the age of 19 in 1431 because she stood up for her beliefs, her country, and her God.

There is a quote from her where she discusses beliefs. She said…
I know this now. Every man gives his life for what he believes.
Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes
people believe in little or nothing, yet they give their lives to
that little or nothing. One life is all we have and we live it as
we believe in living it. And then it is gone. But to sacrifice what
you are and live without belief, that’s more terrible than dying.

?Mr. [or Madam] Toastmaster?