Sage Against The Machine

Rotavirus Information

Indy has the rotavirus, probably. I’m on the phone with a nurse. So, I thought I’d write what the tips were.

Let him nurse for 4-5 minutes every 30-60 minutes.

Let him rest his stomach. Let him sleep.

If he continues to vomit give him some pedialite, a couple teaspoons every 5 minutes. Keep him hydrated every few minutes.

Then if there is no vomiting for 4 hours… go back to nursing

No vomiting for 8 hours… bland food: saltines, noodles, bananas, mashed potatos, rice.

Should have a wet diaper every few hours.
Inside of mouth should be moist and slippery.

He may get a diaper rash. Maybe put vaseline in diaper… or something like that.

He should be old enough for gatorade.

All right, I’m not a doctor. I don’t know anything. I just got this from a nurse. Do with it what you will.

Here’s a great site about Rotavirus:
