Sage’s Big AdSense Experiment

OK, now this is not ready for any kind of consumption… mass or otherwise. Today and over the past weekend, I have been setting up several sites. They all have the same layout. But they will have distinctly different content.

I changed my mind of posting the addresses to these sites right now. I was concerned that if they get indexed quickly with no content, the engines and people will not be interested in coming back. Sorry, you’ll have to wait to see them. Here’s one blog site, you can see as an example:

Baby Blog
From here you will be able to see the kind of directory I’m working on.

I am populating the a very large directory right now. I think it will take the longest. I currently have 2400 listings indexed and I’m only on California. I think once I get past the this part I think things should go faster.

Now before you go over there, please don’t expect much yet – because there is nothing there in the way of content. I think I can get the current directory done this week then start working on the others.

The goal here is to create directory-based content in a diverse range of topics. Then I’m interested to see which ones generate the most traffic and then which of those convert best in Google AdSense ads. I likely will try Yahoo’s program at some point too. But right now I’m just going with AdSense.

I’m also interested to see how these do as sub-directories of I’ve been experimenting with this a bit already. But now I’m trying it on a much larger scale. I’ve found that I’m able to appear in the search engines for a wide range of topics.

The search engines have always said they prefer all of your sites under one main domain. So that’s what I’m giving them here. I’m curious to see if I can rank high in very competitive, diverse areas as sub-folders.

I thought you might like to know what I’m up to.