Sage Against The Machine

The Coming Together Project – Promoting Racial Diversity

What Coming Together Does
Coming Together is devoted to helping its members promote diversity. Sometimes that means exchanging ideas and resources through community workshops. On other occasions, it means assisting member organizations in planning and presenting educational forums, as well as musical and theater events that teach us to appreciate the culture of others.

Coming Together also encourages people to go out of their way to develop friendships with those of another race. To facilitate this effort, the project has sponsored such social events as a Unity Walk and an annual Akron Aeros Baseball Game. When we get to know people of other races who share our values and goals, we can celebrate what we have in common and appreciate our differences.

I had an interesting, extended conversation about where we stand as a country with racial diversity. Rocky pointed out that nothing new was really brought up in the conversation. It was white people talking about how we all agreed with Bill Cosby. As white people that’s an embarrassing position. Again, Rocky pointed out that the reason Cosby got any traction from his position is because it’s controversial against his race, and it’s what white people have always wanted to say but couldn’t. And really, Bill Cosby has lived longer as a rich man than a poor man. He’s far removed from people living in economically depressed areas. How much does he really know about it? I actually don’t know… maybe he knows a lot. But socially vocal celebrities are notorious for their lack of true understanding, i.e., Jane Fonda, Tom Cruise.

All that being said, it is a topic that interests me. I would like to do something in this area. So I think I might go check out these folks.
The Coming Together Project