- @JohnWTuggle Hey John! It’s great to hear from you. I’ve been well. Still rockin’ the guitar lessons I see: http://bit.ly/opwAU in reply to JohnWTuggle #
- @andrew_goodman Thanks! There’s always something new to try at Google. in reply to andrew_goodman #
- Saturday morning run: 4.5 miles, mild naussia in middle, felt great otherwise #marathon #
- My kid can, and wants to, go down the 3 story green curly slide at McDonalds. This day was a long time coming. #
- “If I had my way, I’d destroy all the mosques and spread the whores around a little more. At least they’re not sectarian.” Iraqi detective #
- Liberals hate America for being Imperialist. Conservatives hate America for being Socialist. #
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