- 4 miles… Like butter. Haven’t run a in a couple days. Cool temp and light rain. Loved it! #marathon #
- Checking out @jimkukral at the eMarketing Techniques Conference. Cleveland is lucky to have this guy. #
- http://twitpic.com/4s6ry – @jimkukral at eMarketing Techniques Conference #
- http://tweetube.com/1XV – eMarketing Techniques Conference Overview Video #
- @jimkukral takes his wife every Mother’s Day to Johnny Mango’s http://www.jmango.com I haven’t been there in a long time. #
- @jamiejohnsjamie I freak out because I have 60 minutes that could be awesome if I just do something really “special”. in reply to jamiejohnsjamie #
- @scotthyland Thanks Scott 🙂 in reply to scotthyland #
- @cowork_akron I’m pretty psyched and nervous about a marathon. But so far so good. I’m really slow right now. I just want to finish. 🙂 in reply to cowork_akron #
- Searched Twitter for #eTechniques: http://tinyurl.com/pu92dh You can follow all the eTechniques Conference at that url. #
- Jim Kukral is wrapping up his session at #eTechniques Conference. He’s really passionate and knows social media inside and out. #
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