Twitter Updates for 2009-05-16

  • RT @rockylewis I passed my test. I am a Certified Google Adwords Professional and so is EVERYONE at the SageRock office! Great job peeps! #
  • My headset died this morning. This will be my first long run without music. #marathon #
  • First 3 miles – 31 minutes. That’s faster than I thought I could do. #marathon #
  • 6 miles in 1:04. Miles 4.5 – 6 were extremely hard. Just ground it out. Official Chicago #marathon training starts June 15 for me. #
  • I made a pigramage to save this human race. Never comprehending the race is long gone by. The future’s open wide. #ModernEnglish #
  • – Made it to Opening Day at Cedar Point #
  • T-shirt: “Half of how you sound is how you look.” #

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