- http://twitpic.com/6d1fc – “Chelsea” and Indy at Fun Dome in Louisvile Kentucky #
- I woud HIGHY recommend the Fun Dome in Louisville KY. It’s a great place for kids and the people are amazing! #
- It’s an AM Mtv morning run for me in Louisville. I use to really like running a treadmill. But now I’m all about outside. #marathon #
- Isn’t it time for a Monday morning break? Go to YouTube anf watch: “Don’t trust me”. Great! #
- 4.5 miles in 45:31. Happy with that. Tried running at 8pm last night after a bunch o’ pizza. Not pretty. A little over 3 mi then. #marathon #
- I weighed 182.6 before running today. Now I weigh 180.8. Think how hot I’d be if I didn’t need all this pesky water. #marathon #
- Thank you Akron Zoo membership for getting us into the Louisville Zoo free! #
- I love technology and constantly pushing it’s capabilities. I’m on the road for the next 2 weeks & plan to see what I can learn. #
- Increasingy, more work correspondences happen on Facebook for me. The mobile interface is a little clunky. But, I think, fully functional. #
- I think replying to a comment on a past facebook staus update of your own is impossible on the mobile version. #
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