- Got offered a “Back beat Tour” of Memphis. The tour guide pretended that he was texting & said “I am getting on a bus”. I’m RTing that 🙂 #
- Memphis Jones rocked out the Memphis Back Beat Tour. Nice job, man. #
- http://twitpic.com/6hytf – The Duck Palace on top of the Peabody Hotel #
- So, if I had to pick 1 hero from history that influences me the most, it would be MLK. I’m standing under the balcony he was shot right now. #
- @SimonHeseltine that’s awesome. If I live through the Chicago marathon I think that one is next on my list. #
- @SimonHeseltine yeah. I ended up doing it for charity because I missed the main admission. The charity is making it more interesting tho. #
- The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis is top notch. You are guaranteed to learn a lot. #
- I’m speaking at the Monsanto seed partner meeting in Memphis titled: Breaking New Ground for 2030. Where will your company be in 2030? #
- In the last 7 of 9 years the world has consumed more grain than it produced. #
- We have the same land footprint that we will be feeding the world in 2050. Agriculture consumes about 70% of freah water. #
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