Sage Against The Machine

Twitter Updates for 2009-06-15

  • I'm calling it: I have probably come down with Swine Flu. I have some unique symptoms others have had. I'm on day 4 and am a bit better. #
  • @JimKukral Yeah. I'm serious. I feel pretty confident about it. There are specific conditions to see a doctor. I don't have them yet. #
  • @smoMashup From what I've read swine flu presents in a pretty standard flu-like way. The young, old & compromised get serious complications. #
  • @hollychrome Thanks 🙂 I feel like a full recovery is in my near future. #
  • @smoMashup I'm staying out of public places. I've been sick with this for 4 days & no one in my group has gotten it. #
  • @smoMashup thanks man! Who knows. Maybe it's just a bad cold. #
  • @JimKukral thanks! Yeah. We're driving back now. #

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