- Last weekend gave me a knee injury that felt serious. I think it's runners knee. Got patella strap & am running Akron 1/2 marathon tomorrow! #
- A knee pain got to my head more than my knee. It went from pain, to fear, to depression & turned out to be nothing to worry about. Stupid. #
- @smoMashup cause I guess it's welded in and would be labor intensive. #
- I slid into a double file line of cars that moved together, slowly to the Akron Marathon. Felt like we were marching to war in brotherhood. #
- http://twitpic.com/j6sg8 – Dudes! There is a 6am party going on in Akron! #
- http://twitpic.com/j6sza – These are longer porta potty lines than the Obama Inauguration. Glen Beck would est there are 5 million peopl … #
- Alright ya'll, I'm not sure if I'll be able to tweet during the race. I'm running the Akron 1/2 marathon as warm up to Chicago. #
- Shit! 3 minutes to my first running race ever! Thanks for all your support this summer. You can't know what it has done for me. #
- http://twitpic.com/j6ygj – On Main St. Lost track of milemarkers. 4ish. Feel great! #
- http://twitpic.com/j6zp7 – My half way of Akron Marathon #
- Spent the last 2 miles talking to a guy on his 27th marathon. #
- For the last 2 hours my knee & I have been having a conversation. 1st, it hates me tweeting. It wants focus. 2nd, it says it's my shoes. #
- http://twitpic.com/j74tw – Going our seperate ways. #
- The 1st race of my life. Akron half marathon. The last mile was amazing. I was on fire. Total sprint to the end. Loved it! #
- Akron 1/2 Marathon: 2:18' 25". Being I've never run any race in my life, that's my new PR. #
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