- My 8:30 social media class this morning had 30 people in it as of Monday. Today: 65! #
- Cose Social Media class is about to begin. I'm teaching it and am psyched. We're tagging it: #cose #
- http://twitpic.com/11by1y – #cose social media class getting started. Big group. I love this! #
- @mcgillmd921 Nice work! welcome to the group 🙂 in reply to mcgillmd921 #
- @jminksusa Welcome to Twitter! You are going to love it. Thanks for coming to the class. in reply to jminksusa #
- @KaseyCrabtree Hi Kasey! You are awesome contributing to this conversation remotely. Hopefully I'll see you at another event soon. in reply to KaseyCrabtree #
- @KaseyCrabtree Not sure why I wasn't following you. But now I am. in reply to KaseyCrabtree #
- @MarkWSchumann Sorry for the delay. I don't know what my problem was. I have a better Twitter strategy now. in reply to MarkWSchumann #
- @hacool I could use a little distraction. Bring it on @MarkWSchumann in reply to hacool #
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