- Getting ready to start my sold out SEO class at Cleveland State U. Going to try out Twitterfall.com: http://bit.ly/boqAHm #csuseo #
- @DanHanson I recommend the most expensive camera you can afford. You will always want to upgrade. Consider used. I love my D300! in reply to DanHanson #
- http://twitpic.com/17wx4a – #csuseo student questions. #
- Links I'll be referring to in my #csuseo class today: http://delicious.com/sagerock/csu #
- Referring to some stats in my ongoing list of sem stats for #csuseo http://delicious.com/sagerock/semstats #
- @rockylewis you have to use this: #csuseo in your Twitter post. #
- We're getting the catered lunch today at #csuseo – I've got orecchiette and Roasted Chicken. Delish! #
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