- Alright. Now i'm in Chicago way ahead of schedule. If I can get on the 4:00 flight i'll be home for dinner. #
- @Sandy_Greiner Thanks for coming to the session, Sandy. It was great having you there. in reply to Sandy_Greiner #
- @CAKristie Thanks! I'm quite sure I will. Looking forward to getting back to CAK. I've been out for quite some time. in reply to CAKristie #
- @rockylewis That is SO true. I could have Pizzaria Uno for dinner here. But I have a feeling i'll make it. in reply to rockylewis #
- There's a big old rain storm all around Chicago. My stanby just got cancelled. But my 9:00 seat is good. In better shape than most. #
- I'm on a plane! Not sure when it's taking off. But i'm guessing around 9:50. ETA at CAK: 11:45ish, i'm guessing. No official word. #
- I just landed. It's good to be back, CAK. It's been a while. (@ Akron Canton Regional Airport (CAK)) http://4sq.com/5grYPo #
- Guess what! The car I can't seem to get rid of has been towed again by the would be owner. I'm off to get the FREAKIN' release form, AGAIN. #
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