Twitter Updates for 2010-08-06

  • I knew this day was coming. Now the kids are letting their underwear fall down. Whatever. You just better have a good ass. #
  • Now the kids are letting their underwear fall down. Whatever. You just better have a good ass. #
  • (1 of 2) Losing stuff is a common occurrence for me. But while i'm looking for 1 thing I often find something else I lost long ago. So r … #
  • (2 of 2) pretty fun. #
  • My friend, Kevin Lockett, just put up his new social media site: – 1 of the 1st social media people in Akron. #
  • In Pittsburgh getting ready to do a keynote for the National Federation of Music Clubs. #
  • I'm speaking on: "Embracing the Digital Revolution." Putting the preso together deepened my appreciation for this profound movement. #
  • @StoneyD Ya know… I was a little too. It was entertaining but not profound. in reply to StoneyD #
  • About to speak. Being on deck is always a rush. #

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