- Abbey Lennon – "4am- up for Akron marathon. Boy, I remember when I'd be just rolling in right now. Things sure have changed…" Word. #
- @tykanoya You're going to have it! (a good race day, that is) in reply to tykanoya #
- No rain. Not too hot. This is perfect marathon tweeting weather. #
- The start line is like waiting for a huge roller coaster that you're guaranteed to get off beat up & exhausted. Akron marathon #
- Why am I doing this!? Why am I doing this!? (@ Akron Marathon Start Line w/ 13 others) http://4sq.com/9Zazbt #
- This is a feeling that's hard to express. http://img.ly/28LA #
- Wheel chair stopping akron marathon at end of bridge. Everyone cheering him on. #
- The 10:53 pace guy is the best i've ever seen. Peed & sprinted to catch up 2 see what see says next. Akron marathon #
- On the tow path. My hometown run. Feeling great! You've gotten a lot of tweets from here. Just not normally during 26.2 miles. #
- Big marathon tip of the day: where do you pee? Behind a building. Behind a tree. NEVER in a portapotie. #
- Half way point of Akron Marathon. Feeling kick ass! http://img.ly/28OK #
- Fell back from the 4:45 group. The last 6 is on my own terms… Happy. #
- 23 miles! 26… I'm coming for you! #
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