One of the great things about spiritual thoughts is that you so often can make them apply to your situation. And, generally, that’s OK because that’s what the thoughts are meant to do and be… general guides for your life.
Terry Pluto is talking about Pontius Pilate here:
Beacon Journal | 04/08/2006 | Doing right is required every time
He was the guy that “washed his hands” of Jesus which ultimately got Jesus strung up on a cross.
Apparently, Pilate says, “What is truth.”
At the end of the piece, Pluto writes:
“But in some situations, we know truth, and we know what we should do.
And we have to keep telling ourselves and praying for the power to do
it not one time, but every time.”
This is of particular interest to me from a business perspective. It’s not that I’m cheating on my taxes, or cheating my customers, it’s that I often have to fight with my customers to tell them the truth about their situation. I have to fight to do my job.
What I’m saying is, people don’t want to hear the fact that they can’t get a certain position on the search engines, they have to spend more money if they want it done right, they don’t understand how web marketing works. People want to be told what they want to hear.
This was just a nice little piece to remind me that in certain situations there is “truth” and I have to adhere to it no matter whether it will get me yelled at or fired. I’m hired to not be afraid. I’m hired to do what is in the best interest of the client, whether they want to hear it or not.