Sage Against The Machine

Bob Parsons Gitmo Blog Post

OK. This is facinating to me. As a business founder, who has a personal blog, I feel Bob’s pain. He wrote an opinion piece about Guantanamo Bay and how he felt it should stay open. He also apparently made some incorrect statements about torture. This seems to have caused a bit of a firestorm for Bob. He has corrected his statements that were factually incorrect and basically apologized.

This doesn’t seem to be enough for whoever was upset with him. I guess some people have said they won’t do business with him anymore.

What has come of our country? So now we won’t work with people who we disagree with? We already live secluded from people of differing beliefs. This is just pathetic. I blame it all on our government… Republicans and Democrats. They are divided, isolationists within our own country. Their policies of how they choose to govern our country is directly effecting how we work with each other.

Bob Parsons was a rifleman with the Marines in Vietnam for Christ’s Sake. Cut this guy some slack. So he doesn’t know all the specific details of what’s going on in Gitmo. At least he’s got enough balls to take a stand as compared to all the other company owners out there who are too afraid to say anything at all.

Don’t let our screwed up government control our relationships. You don’t realize it’s happening but it is happening. They are making things worse for us as Americans to work together.

He believes something different than you. So what! Work with him because he’s got a good product and he’s a good business man. Or don’t work with him because he’s got a crappy product or is a bad business man. But don’t be a childish wanker who doesn’t like what someone said on a personal blog. Americans are better than that. We live in a plurality. The fact that so many different kinds of people can live together in peace is the greatest part of being an American.

And Bob, don’t forget rule #12. “Never let anybody push you around.”

Bob Parsons: Should we close Gitmo? No way. Instead, let’s fix it. Remembering 9-11.