This is a topic that I think about quite a bit. But the deeper I think about it, the harder I realize it is. Actually, the deeper I look at anything, I’m realizing these days, the harder I realize it is.
In empathy’s case, I find truly understanding what is important to someone else is extremely difficult. The problem comes in understanding someone else’s perspective. That sounds easy enough. But it’s not. A person’s perspective is made up from the sum of all the parts of their history.
You can’t simply say, this person likes this or that. What they like in one situation could be different in another situation.
So, the point is, even the most empathetic person is going to fail. It’s inevitable. The failures will make the empathetic person look insincere. But empathy is not about getting empathy in return. It’s done for the sake of itself. If you don’t enjoy trying to get to know other people then empathy is going to be painful for you. Empathy is looked on with suspicion.
Love for love sake. That’s the reward.