Category: Self Improvement
Looking Back At Year 38 – Intense!
I’ve turned 39 today. I like to look back at the past year to see where I’ve come. I didn’t put this together until right now, but I’ve done all 3 of my marathons when I was 38. Road Runner Akron Marathon 09/25/2010 Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon 05/02/2010 Bank of America Chicago Marathon 10/11/2009…
Cameron Diaz – My Spiritual Guide On My Birthday
Today I’m 39 I distinctly remember turning 30. I vocally declared that the upcoming decade would be, “the decade of work.” That lasted for exactly 1 year. And it was not a particularly pleasant year at that. Today, I declare 39 to be the year of having fun! That has become my primary guiding life…
My 2010 Akron Marathon Experiences
I’m not in this picture. But this is what the final stretch looks like. You come running into the Akron Aeros baseball stadium to cross the finish line. They cover the ground with some sort of material. It’s soft and squishy. The guy who heads up the marathon (I can’t easily find his name, off…
God on Trial – PBS
Here are some of the sides of the trial:God is on trial for murder, conspiring to murder and more murder. God had a covenant with the Jewish people… they are chosen. People have sins and are being punished. Good people are being punished. God is not punishing individuals but instead a whole group. If God…
On Buddhism For Me
The goal of the teachings of Buddhism is to become less ATTACHED to things that are IMPERMANENT. Move toward love, happiness and compassion. Move away from suffering. Everything that goes up comes down. Everything that lives dies. Everything that succeeds fails. You get what you give. The one desire you want to commit to is…
I’m 35
Today is my birthday. In recent years, my birthday day has seemed to become a day of review and introspection. I put a lot of weight on the actual day. I guess that’s ok. But I do similar things to many other days in my life. I ask myself, “What is the best use of…
- Addiction Speaker Sheet
And here’s an idea I have about doing an addiction speaker series or DVD series. Sage was 225 pounds, a pack-a-day smoker, drank 2 pots of coffee a day, had 12 beers on Wednesdays, 18+ beers on Fridays, and quit it all one night 3 years ago. He didn’t find God. He didn’t check himself…
Buddhism Notes 3 With this formula of the First Noble Truth, even if we have had a pretty miserable life, what we are looking at is not that suffering which comes from out there, but what we create in our own minds around it. This is an awakening in a person ? an awakening to the Truth…
Buddhism Notes 2 First Noble Truth: There is suffering. First Insight of the First Noble Truth: The insight is simply the acknowledgment that there is this suffering without making it personal. All life is suffering (dukkha) That acknowledgment is an important insight; just looking at mental anguish or physical pain and seeing it as dukkha rather than…
Buddhism Notes The problem is that the “world out there” is constantly changing, everything is impermanent and it is impossible to make a permanent relationship with anything, at all. Buddhism teaches that the solutions to our problems are within ourselves not outside. It is only when we completely abandon clinging that we feel any…
What Do I Want
I was reading an article. It asked me to answer these questions: What do I want out of life? I want an exciting, busy life where I was able to make the lives of a few people better. My defining role is: Father. What do I want our of SageRock? I want it to be…
Video on Delegation
Here’s my take on why people don’t delegate: TDgflvVY1yU You might ask… Who cares if I delgate or not. Delegation is one of those doors in life that opens up whole new worlds for you. There is no one in the world that couldn’t delegate something which in turn would make their life better.
Caring What Others Think Of Me
This one’s a total drag. When it gets me in it’s grips it really yanks down my quality of life. I just feel rotten. And then it taints everything else in my life. Everything else is not nearly as good. I’ve got to make this priority #1. What are the symptoms: I feel it in…
Nice Karma Rundown
If you’ve got a couple minutes, check out this overview article on Karma:Beacon Journal | 06/10/2006 | With karma, you get what you give “You get what you give.” That’s a nice thought.
My Perfect Day
Someone recently suggested I write down my perfect day. That seems tricky to me because I can imagine many perfect days. Watching movies and playing video games all day. I suspect I would try to find some new war movies I haven’t seen yet. Maybe Jarhead. And also some old classic war movies that I…
This is a topic that I think about quite a bit. But the deeper I think about it, the harder I realize it is. Actually, the deeper I look at anything, I’m realizing these days, the harder I realize it is. In empathy’s case, I find truly understanding what is important to someone else is…
I’m Giving Up Fear For Lent
I may not be Christian, Jewish or Islamic, but I know a good tradition when I see it. In spite of that grim reality or more likely because of it, the Gospel’s imperative to “fear not” is good and welcome news. The 40 days of Lent that begin Ash Wednesday are an annual spiritual journey…
I read and think a lot about personal and business growth. It seems that virtually every problem that has to do with you and someone else can all be fixed with open, clear communication. There was an article in the Beacon on Valentines Day that was from divorce court. The judge said that all divorces…