Today is my birthday.
In recent years, my birthday day has seemed to become a day of review and introspection.
I put a lot of weight on the actual day. I guess that’s ok. But I do similar things to many other days in my life. I ask myself, “What is the best use of my time at this very moment.” There are so many “bests” that I’m never totally satisfied with any of my choices.
So today, for example, “best” could include:
Reading the New York Times.
Doing some personal videos.
Writing this blog.
Working on my survival kit.
Doing something special with Rocky and Indy.
Possibly painting something.
Shooting photography.
Those are just the things that are off the top of my head. I’m sure that list could continue on and on.
I’ve chosen to sit at Angel Falls reviewing my life.
So here it is:
34 is representative of the best my life has ever been. SageRock is more successful than ever. Indy is happy and healthy. Rocky is amazing. I feel good about my business acumen. I’m doing toastmasters and I can feel my public speaking skills getting stronger. I’m getting a good amount of sleep. I’m eating well. I’m on a pursuit of some sort of spirituality which has been a long under cared for part of my life.
I’m a little low on energy. Part of me wonders how long I can keep this all up. I’m not sure I’m taking care of myself mentally. When things are going well, I feel fine. But when things go wrong, I get easily beaten down. I’m not exercising right now. I think that might be a big problem. I think I have an anger problem that I didn’t really know about. I think I might be more addicted to anger than I know.
The weight of my life right now is taking some getting used to. I feel that I’m in the heart of my life right now. I sort of imagine that will be the case for the next 10 years. 35-45 are probably going to be my biggest producing years. That’s cool and all. But it’s also oppressive. I’ve got to try to stay loose. Meditation and exercise… those are the biggest missing pieces of my life. I think the are crucial for me to keep up with what’s ahead of me.
That’s the trilogy of my life right now.
Balancing those is the true trick. But ultimately, balance is what will be the measure of my own success.
SageRock… 15 people is the goal. Branching out into other services is the question. There are complicated pros and cons for answering that question. I think that hasn’t been flushed out as well as it should.
Rocky… She too is under a lot of pressure as a woman and mother in America. Helping her stay happy and continue to grow is a delicate balance. I think my roll is primarily to be supportive and encouraging.
Indy… Being a good dad is the holy grail of my life. If there is anything that matters in my life, being a good father matters. To me, the number 1 thing I can do to be a good dad is to love his mom. Any advice, wisdom or direction I offer is second to that. Finally, he has to feel that I love and respect him.
Even though I’m 3 and 1/3 years away from quitting drinking and smoking, I’m always going to have to be aware of the potential pitfalls. I know that I am more productive, successful and happy because I’m not drinking and smoking.
Supporting SageRock. In order for SageRock to survive and continue to thrive at it’s size and the size I want it to be, marketing and sales must be strong. I have to be the best marketing strategist I can be. If SageRock fails or falters it will be because of marketing and sales.
I can’t get too obsessed with work. I have to be carefull of balancing work and family. Being constantly plugged in can often help this. But it can also be overwhelming. I have to be present in my family life.
All in all, my life is at its peak. I think I still have room to grow.
Exercise and meditation are the big items I need to work on this year personally.
Being supportive and encouraging are the key elements I need to continue to work on in my family life.
Marketing and growth are the areas I need to continue to master and ponder in business.
I’m a little nervous that life has never been better… that makes going down a much easier possibility. But fortunately, I feel there is still plenty of room to continue up.
Here’s to a fresh start as a 35 year old.
One response to “I’m 35”
Happy belated my friend.