Cameron Diaz – My Spiritual Guide On My Birthday

Today I’m 39

I distinctly remember turning 30. I vocally declared that the upcoming decade would be, “the decade of work.” That lasted for exactly 1 year. And it was not a particularly pleasant year at that.

Today, I declare 39 to be the year of having fun!

That has become my primary guiding life morality and value… to have as much fun as I possibly can have.

This isn’t something I came up with on my own. Cameron Diaz told me this while I was watching some VH1 behind-the-scenes or something.

I vividly remember watching her tell her amazing life story, being all hot and famous and rich and saying something like, “I just want to have as much fun as I possibly can have.”

That moment has always stuck with me. It was a moment of profound impact. Those words influenced me as much as anything the Dalai Lama ever told me in the scores of books I’ve read by him and about him.

Cameron seemed to have figured life out. She was living an existence of extreme actualization and enlightenment.

I mean, I dare you to watch an hour long special on the life of Cameron Diaz and not be in complete awe. She is leading a life that was meant to be reserved for Greek gods. Somehow she has figured it out.

That’s what I want. I want to be Cameron Diaz.

Well, not Cameron Diaz (although if someone could turn me into Cameron Diaz I’d seriously consider it) but a life in the image of Cameron Diaz. Taking the principles of Cameron Diaz and apply them to my own life.

I want to live a life that Cameron Diaz would look down upon from her Mount Olympus-like mansion she must have probably somewhere incredibly amazing and give a small nod in approval.

I want to have as much fun as I possibly can have.

For me, that’s things like:

  • Having tons of fun with my kid, Indy
    • hot tubbing
    • camping
    • video gaming
    • throwing balls
    • taking pictures
  • Having fun with Rocky, my wife
    • Doing most of the things I like doing with Indy
    • Going to dinner and movies on date night.
    • Going shopping and eating ice cream.
    • Going on vacations anywhere and everywhere.
    • Eating bagels on Sunday mornings
  • Having fun with my business
    • This is where I get my aggression out.
    • I like fighting with the market.
    • I like trying to figure out how to get rich.
    • I like building things out of nothing.
    • I like building things, period.
  • Insane ambitions
    • This is things like marathons
    • Now I want to climb mountains
    • Zoriah tells me I have to sky dive.
    • I want to scuba dive
    • Maybe get a motorcycle some time.
    • Photograph more tragedies.
    • I want to live at the edge the world experiencing things most people are afraid of experiencing.
    • I want to find things I’m afraid of and race after them.

Now I know this entire life strategy would probably just be Wednesday for Cameron. But we can’t all attain celestial transcendence. We can only use the likes of her as an ideal… as a Joseph Campbell archetype for the spirit. A mythological princess that represents all that is great within each of us.

Thanks for the guiding light, Cameron! I hope to make you proud.