Sage Against The Machine

My Perfect Day

Someone recently suggested I write down my perfect day.

That seems tricky to me because I can imagine many perfect days.

  • Watching movies and playing video games all day.
    • I suspect I would try to find some new war movies I haven’t seen yet. Maybe Jarhead. And also some old classic war movies that I also haven’t seen. I’d watch my WWII documentary for a few hours (It’s a 30 hour set). Then I’d play online Halo with people who were at my experience level and no 12 year olds would yell at me. I’d order Papa Johns pizza and breadsticks and get a fresh 2 liter of diet coke. I’d probably prefer to do this all by myself.
  • Going to Disney World with Rocky and Indy.
    • I absolutely love showing Indy new and fun things. Disney seems like it might be the most fun thing he would love right now. We would go to shows, see Mickey, eat cheeseburgers (he loves cheeseburgers). He could just totter around moving aimlessly from one thing to the next doing what ever struck his fancy.
  • The day I am no longer part of the day to day operations of SageRock and can focus on being a leader and less on producing things.
    • We would have sales people, marketing people, project managers… all handling production and sales tasks. My focus would be to instill the core values of SageRock and move the company ahead in a way the makes sense for our company and is successful. I would be able to read more and implement sound business principles.
  • Drinking beer and smoking cigarettes all day on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. (and then having no consequences for it.)
    • This is always a fantasy of mine. I’ve done this often in my past. Ideally this would be with Rocky and Jamie. Maybe we would be on the patio of Paul’s Pub and Sub (a totaly hick, dangerous bar. But their patio is nice and the have horse shoes… I surprisingly fun drinking game). We’d just sit around talking about big ideas and letting our minds escape the real.
  • A day of our back yard all inclusive vacation.
    • Last year, we didn’t have much money so we set up a baby pool, a stereo and a movie project out in our back yard. We played Johnie Cash, Ray Charles, surfed the internet, and watched outdoor movies at night… all in our back yard. We grilled great food. It was awesome. It’s especially great because you are on vacation to minute of your last day of work. And you stay on vacation until the night before you go back to work. It’s low stress, totally relaxing. You just make rules that you won’t deal with any business issues, or home issues. It’s different enough from your daily life because you are out in your back yard all day. We have more money this year and could probably take a “real” vacation. But we’re going to do this at least once this year because it’s so great. I highly encourage you to try it.

So, there’s five days. I wonder if it’s strange that I can’t decide which one would be greatest. If I had to pick of these five, it would probably be Disney or the All Inclusive Vacation. And from there, I’d probably go with the All Inclusive Vacation. It’s just so low stress. You don’t need to pack, go to the airport… nothing.

I’m a little sleepy today so maybe that’s why I am leaning towards the “do nothing” day. I might feel differently some other day.