Joomla Installation @ WebMarketingWatch

I wanted to put together some notes for the installation that I’ve done recently of Joomla

  • Joomla_1.0.12-Stable-Full_Package
  • tutorial_template
  • – I had this emailed to me because the downloaded version had some errors with _1.0.12 – .12 worked on Greg’s server.
  • – it’s a mambot
    • I am starting to embed my own videos into my sites. I’ve found the the allvideos player is great for this. I’m using “Flash Video MX” to make the videos for this. With the version of allvideos I’m using now(early June 2007), I found a fix to allow me to add a start image.
    • This is the tip:
      If you want a preview of your video, you can solve this problem for flv-files.

      1. You have to make little change in the php-file plugin_jw_allvideos.php
      You can find the file in the directory ?mambots/content?.
      You must add to line 53 and 57 (where the values of the flv-array are set) :


      just after :

      and just before :

      2. You must place the preview-image in the directory where your video is placed and give it the same name as the video.
      If you don?t want to use a preview-image, there is no problem; you just have the usable black background.
      The image that you use will be the background for your video, therefore it is best it has the same size as your videoframes. The image must be in the png format (otherwise you have to change ?png? in the code added, for instance in ?jpg? if you want to use jpg-files)

  • AkoComment_Tweaked_Special_Edition_unzip_me – this is a mambot, component and module
  • Don’t forget to rename htaccess.txt
  • Make configuration.php writable… probably 755
  • In Administration, make it seo friendly
  • – this costs about $30
    • I have licenses for and
    • You can get a new version here:
    • sef_advance_tester – run this to see if you need ioncube (you probably do)
    • ioncube_loaders_lin_x86_ipf – run this on your local windows computer and it will upload the necessary files to the root folder of your web site. Then run sef_advance_tester again.
    • Installation of SEF_advance
      If you are using Joomla! 1.0 or Mambo 4.5.1 or higher follow these steps:

      1. Make sure you have built-in SEF enabled and functional
      2. Replace your htaccess with the one found in SEF Advance zip package
      3. Install SEF Advance by uploading the SEF Advance zip file in admin (Components > Install)

  • Single column home page: In the Administrator, I went to the main menu panel, clicked on home and changed it from 2 columns to 1 column.
  • – This creates a link for social sites for each page. I’ve added it to “bottom” so it appears at the bottom of each page.

I’m going to put all of these files in: I-Marketing-WebMarketingWatch-Joomla

Joomla! Help Site – Installation Guide


2 responses to “Joomla Installation @ WebMarketingWatch”

  1. Thanx for the information, i have problem with the plugin_jw_allvideos_2.4 installtion!!!!!!!!!

    I have also problem if i have more than 5 visitors on the site, is geting slow and some time i can not view the site, can u help or advice me! much Love to.
    here is the site:

  2. Hi Tom,

    What problem are you having with allvideos?

    The slowness of the site sounds to me like it might be a server issue. Are you hosted on a good server?