Sage Against The Machine

Nobel laureate Saul Bellow dies at 89

I’ve always had a very soft place in my heart for Saul Bellow’s Herzog. The “Reality Instructors” of that book haunt me to this day. I often ask if I’m becoming one and how best not to become one.

Paglia recently reminded me that Artists never die. This will be true for Mr. Bellow. He was one of the all time great authors. / A&E / Celebrity news / Nobel laureate Saul Bellow dies at 89


4 responses to “Nobel laureate Saul Bellow dies at 89”

  1. Thanks Jim!
    Your blog is quite impressive.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. I like the name Sage. Very cool. You ever hear of Sage Francis? Also, I have my PBL stories as well.

  3. Sage is actually my grandfathers middle name. Now it’s my son’s middle name. I’m not familiar with Sage Francis. I’ll check out your stories.
    Take care,