Slingbox Notes

This is just a running post of technology troubleshooting findings for future reference.

Incidentally, I am in love with my slingbox and I highly recommend it.

There was an ip conflict today. My computer and the slingbox were both on: I’m not exactly sure why that happened. But I hard coded my ip address on my computer to .4 and that seemed to do the trick. I then went back to being assigned an ip. It stayed on .4.

I had this happen again. However, I realized that wasn’t my Slingbox. It was actually my wireless access point: Linksys WET11 – Wireless Ethernet Bridge. I had put it on that ip address as a static address. I just changed it to My computer always wanted to take 100.2 and caused the conflict.

I can configure the WET11 wirelessly. I just need the driver: “Setup Wizard” to change its settings. I will save this in My Documents/wet11_wizard_dr. But if it gets deleted for some reason you can just download it on the Linksys site. Hopefully this conflict will no longer be around.

Don’t forget that I set up “forwarding” on my wireless router on port 5001 to ip:

Then my remote wouldn’t work. This was because the plug wasn’t plugged all the way in on the back of my Slingbox.

It’s now running perfectly.

Here is my slingbox Finder ID: 4DBBF20A-1209-9140B4DE-2A23-5D827D81


One response to “Slingbox Notes”

  1. what the password