The City Of Akron Called To See How Our Homeless Friends Are Doing

I got a nice call from the City of Akron yesterday.

They wanted to check up on our homeless friends, see how they were doing, and offer their services to do anything they could to help.

Well… I suppose that’s one way to look at it. Here’s the message they texted me:

Here we go again.

The only homeless problem Akron has is a Sage problem.

In 2022, I signed a permanent injunction to stop helping homeless people. Here’s a summary of it:

The City of Akron and the State of Ohio have issued a permanent injunction against the Houseless Movement, the Church of the Nomadic Spirit, and Sage Lewis, prohibiting them from maintaining unauthorized shelters and violating health, safety, and zoning codes on properties at 85 and 95 Kent Place. Violations could result in contempt of court, and the order remains enforceable until further notice.

Key Points:

  • Prohibits use of properties for unauthorized shelters, tents, and non-dwelling units.
  • Requires compliance with Akron’s health, sanitation, and zoning codes.
  • Binding on defendants and associates, with contempt penalties for violations.
  • Permanent until amended by the court, with all costs assigned to defendants.

Here’s the complete injunction if you go in for that sort of thing.

I thought maybe the Shammas Malik administration might not be as interested in solving homelessness by threatening me. He’s young and a Democrat. But I was wrong.

Apparently, when you become mayor, you see the “light.” You realize that people who care about other people who no one else cares about are the real threat to Akron’s well-being.

Sage Lewis must be stopped at all costs.

It’s absurdist humor at its best. I think Camus or Sartre could have a field day with this endless stalemate of oppression.

I, so bad, want to post Sartre’s quote: “Hell is other people.” But since I’m trying my best to be more enlightened, I’ll go with this one:

When rage cools it becomes granite.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop my instant reaction to want to Thanos the entire world when I’m faced with these kinds of situations. But if I give myself a minute, breathe, and think bigger thoughts, my anger becomes rock-hard. I do not move.

I am an immovable object.

I will stand on this hill until the day I die. Which, by all genetic clues, will be a VERY long time from now.

I am right about this. Every rational human being can see that not taking care of people who are festering alone and cold on the street is wrong by every single measure possible. Oh! Except one: vindictive spite.

The city is embarrassed that they have people living like third-world slum dogs. They can’t bear to see some citizen come by and fix their horrendous failure.

I will not back down. EVER.

This is America’s 21st-century Gordian Knot.

The “Gordian Knot” is a metaphor for an intractable problem eventually solved by the ability to “think outside the box” to achieve success.

You were supposed to untie the knot. But instead, Alexander the Great just cut it in half. He solved it by exercising brute force.

Liberals prefer to just look at the knot, have meetings about the knot, make charts and graphs about the knot, and then meet again about the knot next month.

I’m cutting that sucker in half! And they will not have it.

I am the problem, so they say.

Now… to this current accusation: I don’t have any tents on my land. Sometimes I will go over there and a tent will be on my land. I make the person move.

This Permanent Injunction is useful to me. It’s made a battlefield of 85 and 95 Kent Place. I can start a war there anytime I want. But I don’t want to right now. It does not suit me. I don’t have tents on those two pieces of property.

Now go fuck off! I have work to do. Winter is coming. I have to start hiding humans in holes and dirt so they can have shelter in the freezing weather, someplace where you can’t find them.

Here is my proposed plan for winter emergency shelter.