Sage Against The Machine

The SageRock Core Value

The SageRock Core Value reads:

The concern, respect and empathy for the individual people we come in contact with at SageRock is our single core value.

I’ve recently been thinking about what:

  • Concern
  • Respect
  • Empathy

all mean.

Concern: This might be the most misleading of the three. Possibly the easiest way to discuss Concern is to talk about what it’s not. Concern is not coddling. Concern is not protecting. Concern is not making people believe things are better than they are. Concern is helping people be the best they can be. Concern is making sure each person has a career that is interesting and fulfilling. Concern is helping people survive and thrive in 21st century American business.

Respect: Respect is understanding that everyone is different and everyone has value. Whether a person is a Boomer, an X or an Millenial, they all have value and have a place at SageRock. Each person is respected as an individual for who they are. They are encouraged to be who they are. SageRock helps each person be better at who they are.

Empathy: Empathy is understanding each person’s individual situation. Every team leader’s number one skill is understanding their team mates. And every team member must continually strive to understand and help each other team member. Empathy and extreme communication is the secret to our massive success.