Time Management and Being Deliberate

I woke up today and wanted to “quickly” install WordPress at our family website… grulichfamily.com. I wanted to try setting sagelewis.com up on that site. Well, at 7:55 pm I’m happy to say I have it up and running. Now granted, I did some other things today. We went to Super Walmart in Wadsworth, had a Mexican linner, and I worked a little on our emergency 72 hour kit. But in between, I installed WordPress, imported my blogger posts, set up a 301 redirect over at sagerock.com/sagelewis over to here and set up a plugin to fix some moblogging troubles I was having.

Everything looks to be pretty kosher. The one thing that didn’t import correctly were previous moblog pictures. I may or may not try fixing that. Actually, I might try reimporting my old stuff now that I’ve set up this new plugin.

But my point of all this is, this is not what I planned with my day. It’s the opposite of being deliberate.

I don’t think the day was wasted. In fact, I’m not sure I would have done anything more useful or interesting. I’m just suspect. I felt a bit like my day controlled me. Looking back, I’m fairly cool with it. But I felt like I just got off a ride I didn’t plan taking.

I think being deliberate has to be mixed in with at least a bit of going with the flow.