Sage Against The Machine

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-15

  • "75 percent of ISPs have cooperated fully [with turning over Hurt Locker downloaders]." If you are concerned about privacy get off line. #
  • U.S. Copyright Group (lawyers) "unique partnerships allow us to monitor filing sharing, uploads and downloading." Scary #
  • "Under laws like the Patriot Act and through subpoenas ISPs may have no choice but to supply personal information." #
  • Here's a list of sites to learn about protecting your identity online: Your ISP is the real risk in your privacy. #
  • I think everybody is drinking and Facebooking. It's AWESOME!! I'm not usually on here on Friday night. #
  • Dear Jesus, please help me love my neighbors. Because really. Have you met them? #
  • Awesome mobile marketing Village Green Apartments! #

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